Soany Marquez
Studio led by Professor Julie Nelson
The Institute for the Study of Pollution
The main focus of my research was based on the major pollutants around our site and the effects it had on the trees that are in the garden. When trees are constantly overwhelmed by these pollutants it starts to damage their foliage and it impairs them from going through photosynthesis.
The Education building is design in a series of different layers combining solids, landscapes, and green spaces. Layer one is the main solid building form which acts as an armature for the interior. The double skin façade includes a system of modular filtration panels that are used in everyday research for pollution. This layer helps protect the interior green court that is surrounded by trees that are pollution tolerant; It includes spaces for gathering, visitors and employees. These forms intertwine each other as a Yin and Yang symbol bringing stability to the trees in the garden by being at the forefront of the most polluted area in the garden.