Only 0.4% of Black women are Registered Architects in the United States. Let that sink in.
Black History Month is an opportunity to celebrate Black/African Americans who play a significant role in shaping our history. We aim to amplify the voices of Black designers who are changing the narrative for the current and the next generations of aspiring designers. Throughout the month, we will provide content to facilitating change regarding the racial disparities within our workplace, education, network, and opportunities.
We ask you to engage in our call for bold and collective action - only 0.4% of Black women are Registered Architects in the United States - let that sink in.
As we begin to share the above statistics that illustrate the absence of representation in our industry, we need to be conscious that there are much more inequities that extend beyond licensure. As an industry, we need to make a conscious effort to increase the number of Black women in architecture, provide opportunities to allow Black women to enter architecture school, and be supported throughout their journey. We must do better.
So beyond #BlackHistoryMonth, let's continue to constantly amplify Black voices. Our industry will only improve if we move towards a greater call for change and inclusivity.
Continuing My Ancestors’ Story as a Black Emerging Professional in Landscape Architecture