Olenka Sotero
Studio led by Professor Julie Nelson
The Institute for the Study of Natural and Artificial Light
An educative building that explores the effects of controlling of natural and artificial lighting in a closed space.
The Institute of Natural and Artificial Light focuses on the experiential sunlight effects during the day while studying the effects of artificial light in relation to light pollution at night. It consists of two intersecting volumes with different orientations; the day volume is parallel to true North-South orientation, and the night volume is parallel to the urban-street grid. The day volume is a glass box supported by teak-wood framing, with a south facing greenwall and metal fins wrapping from the south to west. The night volume has a Japanese charcoal wood facade with a series of windows on the west facade for a view onto the street. Lastly, to tie the poetic and scientific volumes, the intersection was designed as a void, creating an opening to the night sky.